Capt Binoy Dubey

Capt. Binoy Dubey
Admiralty Manager and Solicitor
Incisive Law LLC
Captain Binoy Dubey is an Extra-Master Mariner and English qualified lawyer with extensive seagoing and onshore maritime and legal claims handling experience. He is a recognised expert in ice navigation and has broad experience in handling all types of marine casualty including collisions, groundings, pollution (including oil pollution), salvage, fires, cargo damage, unsafe port and ice damage. Binoy regularly advises clients on both wet and dry shipping matters. He also has experience in P&I claim handling, FDD and admiralty disputes both in the Court and in arbitration.
Binoy has substantial knowledge and direct experience in relation to most ship types, in particular, dry bulk carrier, tankers, container ships and gas carriers. His previously roles include serving as Captain onboard an ice classed laker, a senior claims handler, and risk manager for an International Group P&I Club where he was the go-to in-house ice expert and risk assessor for ice tonnage entered with the Club. Binoy has written on a variety of ice-related topics and have been featured in international maritime publications.
Binoy is fluent in English, Hindi and Bengali.