Capt Lee Chee Seong

Capt. Lee Chee Seong
Fleet Director
Pacific Carriers Ltd
Capt. Lee Chee Seong is a well-respected veteran in the maritime industry and has held key management positions in prominent shipping organisations throughout his professional career journey. Prior to joining PCL as its Fleet Director, he was the Chief Operations Officer at APL. Capt. Lee Chee Seong has amassed a vast seafaring experience for the past 24 years before moving to a career onshore. He is extremely passionate about mentoring and nurturing young talents to become next-generation maritime leaders. Being an ex-seafarer as well, he recognises seafarers’ contributions as key workers and stands firm to his principles of ensuring seafarers’ rights and welfare, and promoting fair, equal employment opportunities for anyone who can rise to the challenges and chart a career in shipping.